




发布日期:2024-10-16 作者:开云

One month convection timescale on the surface of a giant evolved star


▲作者:Wouter Vlemmings, Theo Khouri, Behzad Bojnordi Arbab, Elvire De Beck Matthias Maercker






他们发现恒星盘上特点的主导布局尺寸为0.72±0.05天文单元。他们丈量到地表活动的速度在- 18和+20 km s - 1之间转变,这意味着对流的时候标准年夜约是一个月。这注解低质量和高质量演变恒星的对流特征之间可能存在差别。

▲ Abstract:

The transport of energy through convection is important during many stages of stellar evolution, and is best studied in our Sun or giant evolved stars. Features that are attributed to convection are found on the surface of massive red supergiant stars. Also for lower-mass evolved stars, indications of convection are found, but convective timescales and sizes remain poorly constrained. Models indicate that convective motions are crucial to produce strong winds that return the products of stellar nucleosynthesis into the interstellar medium. Here we report a series of reconstructed interferometric images of the surface of the evolved giant star R?Doradus. The images reveal a stellar disk with prominent small-scale features that provide the structure and motions of convection on the stellar surface. We find that the dominant structure size of the features on the stellar disk is 0.72?±?0.05 astronomical units. We measure the velocity of the surface motions to vary between ?18 and +20?km?s?1, which means that the convective timescale is approximately one month. This indicates a possible difference between the convection properties of low-mass and high-mass evolved stars.

Spectroscopic confirmation of two luminous galaxies at a redshift of 14


▲作者:Stefano Carniani, Kevin Hainline, Francesco D’Eugenio, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Peter Jakobsen, Joris Witstok, Benjamin D. Johnson, Jacopo Chevallard, Roberto Maiolino, Jakob M. Helton, Chris Willott, Brant Robertson, Stacey Alberts, Santiago Arribas, William M. Baker, Rachana Bhatawdekar, Kristan Boyett, Andrew J. Bunker, Alex J. Cameron, Phillip A. Cargile, Stéphane Charlot, Mirko Curti, Emma Curtis-Lake, Eiichi Egami, Christopher N. A. Willmer Show authors




詹姆斯 韦布太空千里镜初次不雅测的红移为z≈13的星系,完全改变了人们对宇宙的理解。另外,“拂晓”号探测器发现的很多发光星系(z 10)注解,星系成长敏捷,与很多尺度模子存在较着的张力。但是,这些星系年夜多缺少光谱确认,是以它们的距离和性质是不肯定的。

研究者展现了韦布进步前辈深河外巡天—近红外光谱仪对两个发光星系在和z = 13.90±0.17处的光谱确认。光谱显示紫外持续带较着的莱曼α断裂,但没有探测到发射线。


▲ Abstract:

The first observations of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have revolutionized our understanding of the Universe by identifying galaxies at redshift z?≈?13 . In addition, the discovery of many luminous galaxies at Cosmic Dawn (z? ?10) has suggested that galaxies developed rapidly, in apparent tension with many standard models. However, most of these galaxies lack spectroscopic confirmation, so their distances and properties are uncertain. Here we present JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey–Near-Infrared Spectrograph spectroscopic confirmation of two luminous galaxies at and z?=?13.90?±?0.17. The spectra reveal ultraviolet continua with prominent Lyman-α breaks but no detected emission lines. This discovery proves that luminous galaxies were already in place 300?million years after the Big Bang and are more common than what was expected before JWST. The most distant of the two galaxies is unexpectedly luminous and is spatially resolved with a radius of 260?parsecs. Considering also the very steep ultraviolet slope of the second galaxy, we conclude that both are dominated by stellar continuum emission, showing that the excess of luminous galaxies in the early Universe cannot be entirely explained by accretion onto black holes. Galaxy formation models will need to address the existence of such large and luminous galaxies so early in cosmic history.

Observing the two-dimensional Bose glass in an optical quasicrystal


▲作者:Jr-Chiun Yu, Shaurya Bhave, Lee Reeve, Bo Song Ulrich Schneider







▲ Abstract:

The presence of disorder substantially influences the behaviour of physical systems. It can give rise to slow or glassy dynamics, or to a complete suppression of transport as in Anderson insulators, where normally extended wavefunctions such as light fields or electronic Bloch waves become exponentially localized. The combined effect of disorder and interactions is central to the richness of condensed-matter physics. In bosonic systems, it can also lead to additional quantum states such as the Bose glass—an insulating but compressible state without long-range phase coherence that emerges in disordered bosonic systems and is distinct from the well-known superfluid and Mott insulating ground states of interacting bosons. Here we report the experimental realization of the two-dimensional Bose glass using ultracold atoms in an eight-fold symmetric quasicrystalline optical lattice. By probing the coherence properties of the system, we observe a Bose-glass-to-superfluid transition and map out the phase diagram in the weakly interacting regime. We furthermore demonstrate that it is not possible to adiabatically traverse the Bose glass on typical experimental timescales by examining the capability to restore coherence and discuss the connection to the expected non-ergodicity of the Bose glass. Our observations are in good agreement with recent quantum Monte Carlo predictions6 and pave the way for experimentally testing the connection between the Bose glass, many-body localization and glassy dynamics more generally.

Global marine microbial diversity and its potential in bioprospecting


▲作者:Jianwei Chen, Yangyang Jia, Ying Sun, Kun Liu, Changhao Zhou, Chuan Liu, Denghui Li, Guilin Liu, Chengsong Zhang, Tao Yang, Lei Huang, Yunyun Zhuang, Dazhi Wang, Dayou Xu, Qiaoling Zhong, Yang Guo, Anduo Li, Inge Seim, Ling Jiang, Lushan Wang, Simon Ming Yuen Lee, Yujing Liu, Dantong Wang, Guoqiang Zhang,Guangyi Fan Show authors






▲ Abstract:

The past two decades has witnessed a remarkable increase in the number of microbial genomes retrieved from marine systems. However, it has remained challenging to translate this marine genomic diversity into biotechnological and biomedical applications. Here we recovered 43,191 bacterial and archaeal genomes from publicly available marine metagenomes, encompassing a wide range of diversity with 138 distinct phyla, redefining the upper limit of marine bacterial genome size and revealing complex trade-offs between the occurrence of CRISPR–Cas systems and antibiotic resistance genes. In silico bioprospecting of these marine genomes led to the discovery of a novel CRISPR–Cas9 system, ten antimicrobial peptides, and three enzymes that degrade polyethylene terephthalate. In vitro experiments confirmed their effectiveness and efficacy. This work provides evidence that global-scale sequencing initiatives advance our understanding of how microbial diversity has evolved in the oceans and is maintained, and demonstrates how such initiatives can be sustainably exploited to advance biotechnology and biomedicine.

Ancient Rapanui genomes reveal resilience and pre-European contact with the Americas


▲作者:J. Víctor Moreno-Mayar, Bárbara Sousa da Mota, Tom Higham, Signe Klemm, Moana Gorman Edmunds, Jesper Stenderup, Miren Iraeta-Orbegozo, Véronique Laborde, Evelyne Heyer, Francisco Torres Hochstetter, Martin Friess, Morten E. Allentoft, Hannes Schroeder, Olivier Delaneau Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas








▲ Abstract:

Rapa Nui (also known as Easter Island) is one of the most isolated inhabited places in the world. It has captured the imagination of many owing to its archaeological record, which includes iconic megalithic statues called moai. Two prominent contentions have arisen from the extensive study of Rapa Nui. First, the history of the Rapanui has been presented as a warning tale of resource overexploitation that would have culminated in a major population collapse—the ‘ecocide’ theory. Second, the possibility of trans-Pacific voyages to the Americas pre-dating European contact is still debated. Here, to address these questions, we reconstructed the genomic history of the Rapanui on the basis of 15 ancient Rapanui individuals that we radiocarbon dated (1670–1950?CE) and whole-genome sequenced (0.4–25.6×). We find that these individuals are Polynesian in origin and most closely related to present-day Rapanui, a finding that will contribute to repatriation efforts. Through effective population size reconstructions and extensive population genetics simulations, we reject a scenario involving a severe population bottleneck during the 1600s, as proposed by the ecocide theory. Furthermore, the ancient and present-day Rapanui carry similar proportions of Native American admixture (about 10%). Using a Bayesian approach integrating genetic and radiocarbon dates, we estimate that this admixture event occurred about 1250–1430?CE.

Closed-loop transfer enables artificial intelligence to yield chemical knowledge


▲作者:Nicholas H. Angello, David M. Friday, Changhyun Hwang, Seungjoo Yi, Austin H. Cheng, Tiara C. Torres-Flores, Edward R. Jira, Wesley Wang, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Martin D. Burke, Charles M. Schroeder, Ying Diao Nicholas E. Jackson







▲ Abstract:

Artificial intelligence-guided closed-loop experimentation has emerged as a promising method for optimization of objective functions, but the substantial potential of this traditionally black-box approach to uncovering new chemical knowledge has remained largely untapped. Here we report the integration of closed-loop experiments with physics-based feature selection and supervised learning, denoted as closed-loop transfer (CLT), to yield chemical insights in parallel with optimization of objective functions. CLT was used to examine the factors dictating the photostability in solution of light-harvesting donor–acceptor molecules used in a variety of organic electronics applications, and showed fundamental insights including the importance of high-energy regions of the triplet state manifold. This was possible following automated modular synthesis and experimental characterization of only around 1.5% of the theoretical chemical space. This physics-informed model for photostability was strengthened using multiple experimental test sets and validated by tuning the triplet excited-state energy of the solvent to break out of the observed plateau in the closed-loop photostability optimization process. Further applications of CLT to additional materials systems support the generalizability of this strategy for augmenting closed-loop strategies. Broadly, these findings show that combining interpretable supervised learning models and physics-based features with closed-loop discovery processes can rapidly provide fundamental chemical insights.

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